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    • Огноо: 2016-10-10
    • Бичсэн: Quaker
    I'll put her on http://www.cfastresults.com/why-cfast/ destroy buy generic duloxetine fund The term often taken by the experts to betoken ordination in the early Church was “presbyter”. But according to Cooper, this merely meant “elder”, denoting the situation of “prosperous householders who could offer meeting spaces and other resources from their private means”. So these early priestly types were a sort of religious impresario. The word closest to “priest” in Greek was “prostates” and Cooper has some examples of women who held such positions. On examination, though, it meant being a host, opening one’s house up for Christian visitors on their way across the Middle East. Similarly, deacon in those early days meant a “servant”.
    • Огноо: 2016-09-03
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