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    • Огноо: 2020-04-20
    • Бичсэн: Wilfred
    List window.mn with a VAPE STORE DIRECTORY to increase your online exposure and sales. Simply Google "VAPE STORE DIRECTORY".
    • Огноо: 2020-04-18
    • Бичсэн: Alfie
    Hi guys

    I do SEO for a Vape brand and you are one of our competitors. Whoever is doing your SEO, they are not doing a good job at all. Not sure what you are paying them but it is apparent that someone is just creating very risky blog comments on penalised sites which is only dragging you down on the SERPs. I am not going to offer you my services due to conflict of interest but do find someone online. Google something along the lines of "Vape SEO Backlinks Package for Vape Shops".

    Anyway, best of luck with your SEO work. I thought I would give you a heads up so that you are not left in the dark.

    Sorry, I wish to remain anonymous. Do not try to contact me back because this is a fictitious email.

    Kind regards

    Ethical SEO Guy :)
    • Огноо: 2020-04-17
    • Бичсэн: Isabelle
    Vape Club are one of the UK’s leading online retailers of e-cigarettes, e-liquids, and other vaping accessories.

    Founded and operated by a team of passionate vapers, Vape Club are proud to offer a virtually unmatched range specially tailored to the wider needs of the vaping community. From beginner kits to complex mods – everything you could ever need can be found here.

    • Огноо: 2020-04-17
    • Бичсэн: Alanna
    List window.mn with a VAPE STORE DIRECTORY to increase your online exposure and sales. Simply Google "VAPE STORE DIRECTORY".


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    • Огноо: 2020-04-04
    • Бичсэн: Martin
    Hey there,

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    I work with a team of dedicated native English writing warriors and over the last 9 years we have written 1000s of content pieces in almost every industry.

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    Please let me know if I should send some past samples.

    We can come up with 5000 words per day. Each of our write ups are unique, well written and pass copyscape premium plagiarism tests.

    Get back to me now to place your very first order.

    With regards,
    Marketing Manager
    Skype account: patmos041
    • Огноо: 2020-03-29
    • Бичсэн: DankDollz
    Yes! You read that right! We put our new magazine up on our website for FREE!

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    You can view it online or download it for free from here: https://www.dankdollz.com/3d-flip-book/dankdollz-magazine-issue-1/

    We also have a few more advertising spaces left for our next issue. If you like what you see and would like to advertise your brand or range of products with us, get in touch with me below.

    Look forward to hearing from you,

    Tops Mohiuddin
    Email: tops@dankdollz.com

    Follow Us On Twitter - https://twitter.com/DankDollz

    Follow Us On Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/dankdollz_mag/

    Subscribe To Us On YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIG1d4Ci6nThd5vjIv__xRw
    Hi guys

    I do SEO for a Vape brand and you are one of our competitors. Whoever is doing your SEO, they are not doing a good job at all. Not sure what you are paying them but it is apparent that someone is just creating very risky blog comments on penalised sites which is only dragging you down on the SERPs. I am not going to offer you my services due to conflict of interest but do find someone online. Google something along the lines of "Vape SEO Backlinks Package for Vape Shops".

    Anyway, best of luck with your SEO work. I thought I would give you a heads up so that you are not left in the dark.

    Sorry, I wish to remain anonymous. Do not try to contact me back because this is a fictitious email.

    Kind regards

    Ethical SEO Guy :)
    Vape Club are one of the UK’s leading online retailers of e-cigarettes, e-liquids, and other vaping accessories.

    Founded and operated by a team of passionate vapers, Vape Club are proud to offer a virtually unmatched range specially tailored to the wider needs of the vaping community. From beginner kits to complex mods – everything you could ever need can be found here.

    • Огноо: 2020-03-20
    • Бичсэн: Abby Karp
    List window.mn with a VAPE STORE DIRECTORY to increase your online exposure and sales. Simply Google "VAPE STORE DIRECTORY".
    Increase your B2B sales by connecting with all the vape shops in the world. Google: Germany Vape Shop Database
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    Dear Friend! How are you? I write to introduce our best vape backlink service. We have big team of professionals from Pakistan, India and Bangladesh who work cheap and do good job with backlinks. You just look at my profile and place order now! https://www.fiverr.com/jhonstewar/index-your-website-urls-with-google-and-other-
    Dear Friend! How are you? I write to introduce our best vape backlink service. We have big team of professionals from Pakistan, India and Bangladesh who work cheap and do good job with backlinks. You just look at my profile and place order now! https://www.fiverr.com/aaa625/do-guest-post-cbd-vaping-home-niche-da60
    • Огноо: 2020-01-19
    • Бичсэн: link
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    • Огноо: 2020-01-19
    • Бичсэн: SHOP
    Ils ne sont pas tout à fait les ?Twin Towers? de David Robinson et Duncan, mais ils savent comment faire le travail done.
    SHOP http://www.easyemploymentservices.com/new.aspx