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    2016 adidas has perfect deployment, main NMD of the first four months of the year, followed by UltraBOOST uncaged successor, while the latter also does not lose hope, in the United States set off wave of panic buying, on sale June the first one hour, has sold more than 11000 double, break the shoes Adidas function section of the United States sales record, and greatly from new slow running shoes AlphaBOUNCE, both directly drives the brand the 2016-17 fiscal year first quarter results rose 31%, in line with market expectations, making the stock up 1.17%. Adidas running North America Department Senior President Paul Bowyer admit frankly Adidas hand running trend, and obsessed with shoes unprecedented to resonate, and to ensure that more changes caused by boost, Primeknit and bounce will, bring more surprises for fans of shoes.
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    According to reports, at present, Putian, Fujian shoe enterprises more than 4 thousand, more than 43 of the tax to pay more than shoes enterprises, with a complete industrial chain of the footwear industry. Chairman of Putian Footwear Association Chen Wenbiao believes that the market holds great strategic opportunity, in the new industrial pattern, the footwear industry chain in the role of the enterprises should focus on "good product" relationship into new collaborative relationships from the exchange of interests, mutual cooperation, mutual polished, more good products and enterprises will continue to there.
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