
Д.Отгондалай алдарт боксчинг яллаа Бичлэг

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    • Огноо: 2019-01-18
    • Бичсэн: Ali

    Happy New Year!

    Are you interested to advertisement of your company/Business/Shop/organization/ etc.?
    If yes, then we have best promotional items which are given below:

    1- Mini boxing gloves (For Your Car's Rear View Mirror )
    2- Mini boxing gloves keychain. (For Your Car's Keys or any other keys)
    3- Mini MMA Glove Key Chains (Piece)
    4- Mini Punching BAG Key Chains (Piece)
    5- Mini Weightlifting Belt Key Chains (Piece)
    6- Mini Karate/BJJ/Taekwondo Belts Keychain (Piece)
    7- Mini Karate Mitt Keychain (Piece)
    8- Embroidery Patches/Batch (As per your design, Shape and Dimensions/Size)
    9- Mini Thai Pad Key Chains (Piece)
    10- Mini Football Keychain (PIECE)
    11- Mini Football Car Hanger (Piece)

    What we can do for you:
    We can print your company logo/brand/Team Name etc, along with any kind of instruction you Provide us like your contact detail or the detail of your work.

    How you can promote your business?
    You can give these items

    1- as a gift to your customer or anyone else or another option is that, if
    2- To Anyone who Buy your Services/Products.
    3- To Public For promotion/Support of your team/Organization etc

    Result: Which will be cause MORE & MORE Advertise of your work.

    FOR Pictures of Products visit www.axiomasterisk.com and Have a look at PROMOTIONAL PRODUCTS menu.

    or Feel free to ask us for pictures.

    To get Door Delivery Best Bottom Price provide us following:
    1- Your Initial Order Quantity.
    2- Your Country name.
    3- Deign/ Logo /Gym Logo/Flag, instructions or anything you want to print on these promotional products.

    For more products visit our website www.AxiomAsterisk.com

    Looking forward to hear from you soon.

    Thanks for your Precious Time.

    Cordial Regards,
    Ali Afzal


    Mailing Address:
    33/23 Dharowal Sialkot-51310,Pakistan.
    PHONE/Whatsapp : 0092-333-8711707

    Website: www.AxiomAsterisk.com
    E-Mail: Axiom.asterisk@gmail.com