
Tsenguun & Tugs Hamtdaa Chillrii vlog 7

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  • Яг түүн шиг шоу Ялагч Г. Ганхүү (Tina Turner- Simply the best) Үзсэн   721 2017-05-15
  • Extreme Sports - Extreme Adrenaline! (HD) (Part 1) (Spectacular Action Videos!) Үзсэн   1956 2014-07-02
  • 2017 онд хамгийн их шүүмжлэл дагуулсан зар сурталчилгаа Үзсэн   1123 2017-12-26
  • Буриадын хип хоп Хатхур Зу хамтлагийн ”Hollaback” дууны клип Үзсэн   1450 2014-09-03
  • АНХААРУУЛГА: Уншигчдын бичсэн сэтгэгдэлд www.WINDOW.mn хариуцлага хүлээхгүй болно. ХХЗХ-ны журмын дагуу зүй зохисгүй зарим үг, хэллэгийг хязгаарласан тул ТА сэтгэгдэл бичихдээ хууль зүйн болон ёс суртахууны хэм хэмжээг хүндэтгэнэ үү. Хэм хэмжээг зөрчсөн сэтгэгдлийг админ устгах эрхтэй. Сэтгэгдэлтэй холбоотой санал гомдлыг 7711-0505 утсаар хүлээн авна.
    • Огноо: 2018-12-01
    • Бичсэн: Coy Berk
    Dear Sir/Madam,

    Great to satisfy you. I am Joseph from Bluetooth Device Ltd, a Hong Kong based innovation business concentrated on Bluetooth and cordless products consisting of: Bluetooth headsets, audio speakers, adapters, charging tools and also selection of cars and truck accessories.

    Today item:
    360 level smart phone lens, fish eye/ vast angle outside electronic camera mobile scenic lens for apple iphone X 7/8 and also plus

    You do not need to bring your hefty DSLR as well as additional fish eye/ Wide angle lens any longer, since we have made the very best breathtaking lens on the market!

    Premium 5 +1 HD lens, Particularly Designed Clip, Smart look

    Link for more details:


    We just create ideal products, both in function and also outlook layout

    Have a nice day!
    Finest relates to,
    Sales Manager
    Bluetooth Tool
    6F Leader Industrial Centre,
    57 Au Pui Wan Street,
    Fo Tan,
    Hong Kong
    Whatsapp/wechat: 852-64628287
    Email: sales@bluetooth-device.com

    Why pick us?

    Latest company model-- Manufacturers union to save your time as well as cost

    We formed a Mobile Add-on Manufacturers Union with our extremely- shut factories and we owned the business shares each other to make sure that dealers can place orders for different mobile accessories products in a more convenient way without the unneeded cost by trading firms.